Can nuts reduce the formation of vascular plaque?

Can nuts reduce the formation of vascular plaque?

Plaque formation in the vascular system is something we are better off without, not only because it will increase cardiovascular risk, but we need good blood circulation to all tissue we have. Blood vessels in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients have, for example, been found to have a lot of...
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What is the best predictor of aging?

What is the best predictor of aging?

Chronological and physiological age is not the same. You can be younger than your actual years or you can be older. This depends a lot on your diet and lifestyle. The referenced research was conducted to figure out the most important drivers for successful aging (Arai Y,, 2015). This...
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Low HDL cholesterol associated with poor memory

Low HDL cholesterol associated with poor memory

Posted by:  Didrik Sopler
HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol which protects against harmful buildup in the arteries. It is considered good to have high HDL since it can provide some protection against cardiovascular disease. It is interesting that low levels of HDL have now been found to also be associated with poor memory...
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